Annual Meeting 2021

October 31, 2021

Annual Meeting November 13, 2021 Hi All! The TCA Reunion/Annual Meeting will be held the second Saturday in November. The Board Meeting will take place 1:00-3:00pm on Zoom (Zoom info below) with Annual Meeting starting at 4:00, elections starting at 5:00 and happy hour to follow. Schedule 1:00-3:00 Board Meeting (open to all) 3:00-4:00 Break …

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New Iron Mountain trail getting good reviews – Fall Crew 2021

October 31, 2021

The fall season is usually a bit colder and a bit less chaotic than the summer season. This fall season was no exception. AMC’s own White Mountain Professional Trail Crew started by implementing a mile long reroute of the Iron Mountain Trail in Jackson NH. The process was simple in theory – follow the flagged…

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Hazing in retrospect

October 31, 2021

This is the sort of topic you start with a disclaimer, and a sensitive subject for many. I will try to keep things as factual as I can. I worked for the AMC trails department from 2001-2005 (2001- 2002 as a Camp Dodge volunteer crew leader, 2003-2005 on TFC). That was 20 years ago, which…

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Early 2021 Website Update

January 23, 2021

Thanks for visiting the Trail Crew Association website! We’re currently in the process of re-building the website, so keep checking back for updates.

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