The Cabin and surrounding leased one acre of land is for the use of TFC alumni/ae, and their immediate families and guests only.
The cabin is shared subject to a “Use Agreement” with the late Robert Proudman who built the first and smaller frame building in 1974. In 1999, the Trail Crew Alumni Association (TFC) was incorporated as a New Hampshire Not For Profit Corporation. Proudman’s lease with the landowner was conveyed to the TFC in perpetuity in return for his life tenancy in the little cabin.
The TCA board "Shelburne Committee" currently manages the cabin. Others are encouraged to participate in the stewardship of the cabin. Read the latest Cabin Report: TCA 2018 Cabin maintenance plan.
Donations, yearly dues, and lifetime memberships will enable us to continue improvements!

Cabin Use
Please help the Trail Crew Association manage cabin use by completing the TCA Shelburne Cabin Users' Agreement each calendar year. Once you complete the form, you'll be emailed a copy and will be directed to the registration/payment area. If you've already completed the Users' Agreement for the current calendar year, you can skip to the Registration & Payment page in the TCA Shop.
Cabin Fundraising Initiatives
1950s Crews Challenge - This past fall, new stoves for the Shelburne Cabin were funded to honor the memory of Douglas W. Rankin, 1949-53, TM 1952 & 53 and all deceased alumni of the AMC White Mountain Professional Trail Crew. Funds for the stoves replacement were provided by the following four members of Doug Rankin’s crews, as underlined in the photo of the 1953 Trail Crew:
- David (Stretch) Hayes 19521955 (TM)
- Dobie Jenkins 1952-1955 & 1960
- Josef Orosz 1951-1954 (TM)
- Bob Watts 1952-1955 and Member of the Trail Crew Association Board
$4,250 in donated funds have been restricted for fire-safety improvements. One of three old stoves has already been removed from the site. Bruce Davis is planning and designing modern thermostatically controlled stoves, and code compliant shielding, and installations. Mason and former Board member Marc Lacroix has already mocked-up and tested masonry and -steel improvements to the fireplace with Bruce.
Bob Watts challenges:
“We need everyone’s support and dedication to aid current and future crews and to maintain our Cabin, which has become a major facet of life on current-day crews. As we begin our Second Century of service, we hope alumni/ae from other decades will accept this as a challenge to get behind the Shelburne Cabin upgrade and restoration project – we hope each decade of alumni will try to beat the gift level of our very small and ancient 50’s cohort– YOU CAN DO IT!”